1 te theka 20 ti pragraph

    (1)Traffic jam                              (11)Torrorism the campus                                                                                      
(2)Load Shedding                     (12)Arsenic problem
(3)A harual day                         (13)Over eating
(4)Road accident                       (14)False hood
(5)Danger of smoking               (15)Black money
(6)Drug addiction                      (16)Global warming
(7)Copying in the examination  (17)Green house effects
(8)Air pollution                          (18)Violacnce
(9)Environment pollution          (19)Illiteracy
(10) Water pollution                   (20)Dowry system
  (  বিসয় )  is a dangerous thing for our life. We cannot lead peaceful and normal life for this problem.Almost every day we see this news in the newspaper.Everybody knows that Bangladesh is a poor country but has a large number of illiteraic and uncmployment people.so if it being continuced,Bangladesh will have to face a critical situation.It will hamper our daily live.It is going out of control day by day.It is almost certain that one of the nam causes of (বিসয়) is the negligence of some people.Goverment should have solved the problem.In the devcloped country,this kind of problem is very rare.In our country every body feels the problem but nobody takes proper steps to remove it.The bad effect of it is beggar description.It ruins the standerd of the socialism.Not only government but  also we all should try to solve the problem.This problem should be solved as soon as possible to build up our country.

Dowenload link(Zahid)
                                                                      Writer:Zahid hasan
                                                     Writer:Mahadi hasan 

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